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Sydney Frangipani mite spray is formulated to kill spider mite infestations safely and quickly. Mite spray can be used on all plumeria varieties and most ornamental plants that suffer from mite and mealy bugs attacks and infestation

How to use - 1) Pour contents into a pump sprayer or spray bottle.  2) Spray all leaves on both sides thoroughly including branches, stalks & tips to kill all mites.  3) Remove all badly affected leaves and place in the garbage.  4) Repeat application as in step 1 after one week. Re-apply if any sign of re-infestation and always treat other plants nearby when treating infested plants.  Keep out of reach of children

mite spray 5L bulk pack (ready for use)

  • Sydney Frangipani mite spray is formulated to kill spider mite infestations safely and quickly. Mite spray can be used on all plumeria varieties and most ornamental plants that suffer from mite attacks. 

    How to use - 1) Spray all leaves on both sides thoroughly including branches, stalks & tips to kill all mites.  2) Remove all badly affected leaves and place in the garbage.  3) Repeat application as in step 1 after one week. Re-apply if any sign of re-infestation and always treat other plants nearby when treating infested plants.  Keep out of reach of children

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